You can find a list below of all pages within this website.
If you can't find what you are looking for please contact us on or call 0330 088 4222.
- Home
- About us
- Careers
- What we treat
- Biomechanical problems
- Above ankle
- Anterior compartment syndrome
- Achilles tendonitis
- Back pain
- Hip pain
- Knee pain
- Shin splints
- Illiotibial band syndrome
- Medial tibial stress syndrome
- Calf pain
- Osteochondritis dissecans
- Scoliosis
- Osteoarthritis of the knee
- Osgood shlatters disease
- Tibial varum
- Leg length difference
- The ankle
- Achilles tendonitis
- Ankle instability
- Anterior impingement syndrome
- Complete tear of the achilles tendon
- Dislocation of the peroneal tendons
- Flexor hallucis longus tendinopathy
- Footballer's ankle
- Fractured ankle
- Inferior tibiofibular joint injury
- Osteoarthritis of the ankle
- Osteochondral lesion of the talar dome
- Paratendinopathy of the achilles tendon
- Partial tear of the achilles tendon
- Peroneal tendinopathy
- Posterior impingement syndrome
- Retrocalcaneal bursitis
- Sever's disease
- Sinus tarsi syndrome
- Ankle sprain
- Stress fracture of the medial malleoulus
- Stress fracture of the talus
- Tarsal tunnel syndome
- Tibialis anterior tendinopathy
- Tibialis posterior tendinopathy
- The foot
- Accessory navicular syndrome
- Avulsion fracture of the base of the fifth metatarsal
- Big toe sprain
- Bunions
- Extensor tendinopathy
- Fat pad contusion
- Fractures of the fifth metatarsal
- Freibergs infarction
- Hallux rigidus
- Medial plantar neuropraxia
- Metatarsalgia
- Midtarsal joint sprain
- Morton's neuroma
- Osteoarthritis of the foot
- Os trigonum syndrome
- Plantar fasciitis
- Sesamoid injury
- Sesamoiditis
- Stress fracture of the calcaneus
- Stress fracture of the metatarsal
- Stress fracture of the navicular
- Turf toe
- Haglunds deformity
- Plantar fibroma
- Hallux abducto valgus
- Capsulitis
- Cuboid syndrome
- Tailors bunion
- Bursitis
- Flat feet
- Heel spur
- Skin problems
- Athletes foot
- Callus
- Chilblains
- Corns
- Fungal infection
- Hyperhidrosis
- Verrucae
- Warts
- Dry skin
- Psoriasis
- Foreign bodies
- Nail problems
- Fungal nails
- Discoloured nails
- Thick nails
- Ingrowing toe nails
- Subungual Haematoma
- Lifted / detached nail
- Foot deformities
- Childrens foot problems
- Flat feet
- Toe walking
- Foot pain
- Fallen arches
- In toeing
- Out toeing
- Talipes
- Heel pain
- Ingrowing toenails
- Kohler's disease
- Sweaty feet
- High risk conditions
- Services
- General foot care
- Nail surgery
- Biomechanical assessments
- Paediatric podiatry
- Podiatric medicine
- Podiatric surgery
- Cosmetic podiatry
- Home visits
- Clinic visits
- Assessment and report
- Medicolegal report
- Neurological Foot Clinic
- Gait Analysis
- Athletes podiatry Clinic
- Dancers podiatry Clinic
- Foot health education
- Verruca Needling
- Surgical opinion
- 5 minute Fungal Nail Testing
- Our Clinics
- Treatments
- General podiatry / chiropody
- Skin care
- Footwear review
- Athletes foot treatment
- Callus treatment
- Chilblains treatment
- Corns treatment
- Cracked heels treatment
- Curacorn / Dermal filler for corns
- Fungal infection treatment
- Hyperhidrosis treatment
- Verrucae treatment
- Verrutop
- SWIFT Microwave Treatment for Verruca
- Warts treatment
- Dry skin treatment
- Paraffin wax treatment
- Nail care
- Nail surgery
- Verrucae treatment options
- Biomechanical podiatry
- Advice and education
- Balance exercises
- Biomechanical assessment
- Exercise programmes
- Fracture treatment
- Kinesio taping
- Post Surgical Rehabilitation
- Proprioceptive Exercise
- Range of Movement Exercises
- Soft tissue treatment
- Sports Injury Rehab
- Strengthening Exercises
- Stretching Programmes
- Taping
- Electrotherapy
- Hydrotherapy
- Paediatric podiatry
- Paediatric podiatry advice and education
- Exercise programmes for children
- Fracture treatment for children
- Functional electrical stimulation for children
- Gait training for children
- Hydrotherapy for children
- Podiatry reports for children
- Post surgical rehabilitation for children
- Strengthening exercises for children
- Stretching programmes for children
- Pain management
- Education of condition
- Hydrotherapy
- Mirror therapy
- Normalising sensation
- Personal exercise programme
- Orthoses
- Cosmetic podiatry
- Surgery
- Orthotics
- Who we work with
- Individuals
- Organisations
- Assessments and reports
- Expert witness
- Occupational health
- On site chiropody
- Provision of orthotics
- How to proceed
- Health professionals
- Consultancy
- Courses
- Consultation room hire
- Joint treatment sessions
- Second opinions
- Work with us
- Making a referral
- Businesses
- Care homes
- Case managers
- NHS comissioners
- Local authorities
- Schools
- Solicitors
- Sports Clubs
- Athletes
- Dancers
- Appointments
- Contact us
- Consultation room hire

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