Making a referral
A referral to can come from any of the following sources;
- Self-referral - provide appointments to all patients who require a podiatry assessment and treatment. Our appointments are available for either a home visit or a clinic visit.
- A relative or carer - Referral from a relative or carer may be required if the patient is unable to arrange the appointment themselves.
- A GP or other health professional - When a GP or other health professional believes that a patient may benefit from a podiatry assessment then referrals can be made on a patients behalf.
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Find your nearest clinic
We have clinics located throughout the North West. We also provide a home visit service.
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No waiting lists!
Tired of waiting for treatment? Be seen by a podiatrist today!
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Not sure how we can help?
Speak to a podiatrist to find out how we can help. Call us on 0330 088 4222.
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We work with:
Health professionals
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0330 088 4222
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