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Dancers podiatry clinic

What is podiatry for dancers?

Podiatry for dancers involves the assessment, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation for dancers and their relating podiatric conditions. Podiatrists understand how essential it is for the lower limb and feet to be maintained and properly looked after for dancers of all genres.

At our specialist podiatrists are able to treat dancers presenting with a multitute of conditions.


What conditions can dancers podiatry help with?

If you have a lower limb or foot problem which is exacerbated by dancing or comes on when walking a podiatrist is probably the best professional to see. Excess strain and pressures on the feet during dancing make them particularly susceptible to problems. Particularly pointe ballerinas whom place their entire body weight upon the big toe joint. For children who are ready to take the next step and move on to block pointe ballet we provide pre-pointe ballet assessments to determine if the feet, and body are ready for this physically demanding task. The structure of children's bones are different to those of an adults and it is important that they have the necessary strength, flexibility required. Conditions podiatry for dancers can help with are:

To find out more about our neurological podiatry service please contact us on or call 0330 088 4222.

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