The foot
Biomechanical problems affecting the foot are a common complaint in podiatry. Our therapists here at are able to treat patients suffering from the following conditions:
- Accessory navicular syndrome
- Avulsion fracture of the base of the fifth metatarsal
- Big toe sprain
- Bunions
- Extensor tendinopathy
- Fat pad contusion
- Fractures of the fifth metatarsal
- Freibergs infarction
- Hallux rigidus
- Medial plantar neuropraxia
- Metatarsalgia
- Midtarsal joint sprain
- Morton's neuroma
- Osteoarthritis of the foot
- Os trigonum syndrome
- Plantar fasciitis
- Sesamoid injury
- Sesamoiditis
- Stress fracture of the calcaneus
- Stress fracture of the metatarsal
- Stress fracture of the navicular
- Turf toe
- Haglunds deformity
- Plantar fibroma
- Hallux abducto valgus
- Capsulitis
- Cuboid syndrome
- Tailors bunion
- Bursitis
- Flat feet
- Heel spur
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