Curacorn - Dermal Fillers for corns
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What is Curacorn?
Curacorn or Dermal filler for corns is a treatment where hyaluronic acid gel is injected underneath the skin to help reduce symptoms associated with corns or stop them reoccurring at all. Corns are areas of deep hard skin which are concentrated and happen due to areas of high friction and pressure. Traditionally methods of external cushioning and padding have provided relief; with the Curacorn treatment this cushioning in alternatively injected beneath the skin under the corn. The treatment can last 6-18 months or in some cases it can permanently resolve the corn.
Who can benefit from Curacorn?
Those who have severe, persistent and reoccurring corns which are failing to resolve with other methods such as footwear modifications or padding, who want to try a treatment that can reduce the need for routine podiatry appointments. It may not work as well on joints due to the limited space under the skin to inject the gel.
What does Curacorn involve?
Firstly, a consultation will be required to ensure the patient is suitable for the treatment. During this appointment a medical and social history will be completed, if the patient is suitable then the treatment will be explained in full along with all the aftercare and information required
- The area is cleaned and prepped
- A local anaesthetic is administered to numb the area
- A cannula is inserted and guided towards the corn where the gel is deposited directly underneath it
- Any appropriate padding will be applied to limit pressure to the area
- Usually a total of 2-3 treatments is required each one month apart; for severe corns more may be necessary
What are the benefits of Curacorn?
- Relief of symptoms associated with the corn
- Reduced need for podiatry appointments
- Potential permanent resolution of the corn
Similar treatments / services that could help?
- Enucleation (removal) of the corn with a scalpel
- Padding / strapping
- Orthotic / insoles
- Footwear modifications
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