Ingrowing toe nails treatment
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Download our Ingrown toenail information pack

An ingrowing toenail occurs when the sides of the toenail curves round and grows deep into the surrounding skin.
What is an ingrowing toenail?
An ingrowing toenail is a condition in which the nail grows abnormally and becomes embedded into the skin surrounding the nail. The condition is often very painful and during the initial stages it is inflamed and tender to touch and if left untreated the tissues surrounding the nail can become infected.
What causes an ingrowing toenail?
An ingrowing toenail can develop as a result of a number of different causative factors. They include;
- Tight fitting footwear
- Incorrect nail cutting techniques i.e. short and round
- Injury or trauma to the nail
- Toenails which are naturally more curved in shape
- Biomechanical abnormalities

How is an ingrowing toenail treated?
The type of treatment required to help manage an ingrowing toenail will depend on the severity of the condition. Following a thorough assessment of the patients toenail the podiatrist will decide upon the best form of treatment.
If the nail is not severe and is not causing too much pain then the area of nail which has become embedded into the skin can be removed by a podiatrist using special nail cutting techniques. A patient may require continues conservative treatment if the nail grows back in the same way.
A podiatrist will be able to provide education on how to correct nail cutting techniques and how to prevent further problems from developing.
If the ingrowing toenail is severe then removal of the nail under local anaesthetic may be considered. For more information on the process involved in nail surgery please see our Nail surgery page.
For more information on this or any of our treatments or to arrange an appointment, please contact us on or call 0330 088 4222.
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