Paraffin Wax Treatment
What is a paraffin wax bath treatment?
Paraffin wax is an excelled medium for absorbing and retaining heat, the wax is heated and melts before being applied to a particular area. The paraffin wax bath is a therapeutic remedial treatment where the hand or foot is covered in a hydrating treatment before applying a generous layer of paraffin wax to the area. The foot is then placed in a warming mitt to retain the heat for even longer. This heat aids the moisturiser to penetrate deep in the skin and sooth painful musculoskeletal complaints whilst stimulating circulation.
Who can benefit from paraffin wax bath treatment?
The paraffin wax bath treatment is useful for symptomatic pain relief of arthritis, joint inflammation, and bursitis. It is also beneficial in relieving stiffness, aches and spasms, assisting muscle relaxation. The retained heat improves circulation, therefore more blood to the area means oxygen and nutrients essential for healing are at the site.
The paraffin wax bath treatment may not be suitable for those suffering with peripheral arterial disease, marked peripheral neuropathy, inflammatory skin conditions or on areas where the skin is broken. A full assessment prior to surgery will determine a patient's eligibility for the paraffin wax bath treatment.
What does the paraffin wax bath treatment involve?
- A generous amount of hydrating cream/emollient is applied to the feet.
- Paraffin wax required is dispensed from the bath into a disposable container.
- The paraffin wax is applied, usually with a brush.
- The feet are wrapped in plastic wrap.
- The feet are placed in heated booties for 15 minutes.
- Everything is removed.
What are the benefits of the paraffin wax bath treatment?
- Stimulates circulation.
- Relaxes muscles.
- Relieves muscle and joint pain.
- Skin hydration.
- Improved joint mobility
Similar treatments / services that could help?
Other treatments which may be offered as an alternative to paraffin wax treatment include;
- Massage
- Heat therapy
- Soft tissue treatment
- Strengthening exercises
- Stretching programmes
- Hydrotherapy
- Orthoses
To arrange an appointment for an assessment please e-mail or call 0330 088 4222.
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