Paediatric podiatry advice and education
Advice and education is often used in the management plans of children who present with certain injuries and disorders associated with the foot and lower limb.
Podiatrists are experts in the foot and ankle and can therefore provide knowledge and information in a variety of different areas including general foot care for children, advice on paediatric conditions related to podiatry, footwear advice and injury prevention.
The following are some examples of paediatric podiatry advice and education:
Advice on general care
All advice is made according to the individual child being assessed however, some general foot care advice for children may include:
- Wash feet on a daily basis simply using soap and water. Once washed dry the feet thoroughly paying particular attention to the area in between the toes.
- Check childrens feet regularly for signs of inflammation around the nails
- Check childrens feet regularly for signs of pressure marks in areas such as the top of the toes, back of the heel and below the bones of the ankle
- If a childs feet are smelly it could be an indication of poor hygiene
- Trim the nails when required following the line of the nail

Footwear Advice
The type of footwear a child wears will depend upon their size and age. The following are some common pieces of information a podiatrist may give to a parent regarding their childs footwear:
Baby grows and sleep suits - ensure the part of the baby grow in which the feet are placed are long enough and allow an adequate amount of room for the childs foot.
Everyday shoes - ensure that the childs foot has been properly measured for length and width before buying new shoes. Check new shoes for the following features:
- Adequate support around the heel
- A comfortable, firm fit
- Some form of strapping such as laces or velcro straps to stop the foot from moving around inside the shoe
- The sole of the shoe should be flat and flexible
- Adequate room around the toes
- The shape of the toe box should be rounded
Flat shoes - very flat slipon shoes are not advised for children as they can put increased stress on the structures which make up the back of the leg down to the sole of the foot. This can lead to the child experiencing pain and inflammation in these areas. Furthermore, their thin soles provide very little protection against injury.
Advice on the Developing Foot
A child may complain of aches and pains in their feet and legs for a number of reasons. A particularly active child or a child experiencing increased growth or weight gain can find they have problems with pain and discomfort in the foot and lower limb. A podiatrist will be able to assess a child to advise upon whether the aches and pains they are experiencing are normal for a developing child or require some form of intervention.
To arrange an appointment with one of our podiatrists please contact us either via email on or call 0330 088 4222.Save 5% by booking an appointment online.

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