Verrucae treatment
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A verruca is a wart which develops on the skin of the sole of the foot and the toes.
What is a Verruca?
A verruca is a small, raised, rough bump which is usually found on the sole of the foot or around the toes. They can develop as one single wart or as a group of lesions across the foot making up what is known as a mosaic verruca. Verrucae can affect anyone and in some cases they can cause the individual pain and discomfort.
What is the cause of a verruca?
A verruca is caused by a virus known as the human papilloma virus. It is
highly contagious and has a preference for warm, moist environments.
Verrucae are spread from person to person by direct skin contact or by
exposing the foot to the virus in damp places where people are likely to
walk barefoot i.e. swimming baths or communal showers. The virus enters the
body through small cuts and abrasion in the skin and can spread to other
Verrucae are also commonly found in people with weakened immune systems as
the body finds it more difficult to fight off the virus.

How is a verruca treated in podiatry?
There are a number of different treatment options to help manage a verruca
however the majority of warts are self-limiting and will go as a result of
the body's own immune response.
If a verruca has become painful and persistent topical treatments
containing varying levels of salicylic acid can be applied to break the
verruca down. Any overlying callus will be debrided (reduced) to reduce the
amount of pressure on the area and relieve any discomfort. The podiatrist
will also provide expert advice and education on how to prevent the verruca
spreading or recurring.
For more information on potential verruca treatments please see our verruca treatment options page.
We also offer SWIFT verruca treatment.
To receive podiatry treatment for your verruca you can arrange an
appointment by emailing us on or call 0330 088 4222.
Save 5% by booking an appointment online.

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