As well as clinic based appointments our podiatrists here at are able to provide out of clinic services in various locations including schools.
Children can experience a range of different problems in the region of the foot and lower limb which can often be treated by a podiatrist. These problems range from ingrowing toenails to an in or out toeing style of walking.
Children can often become agitated and incompliant in an environment that is unfamiliar to them and therefore one of the benefits of carrying out podiatry treatment within a school setting is a more comfortable child and a more effective treatment.
Our podiatrists can carry out regular foot health assessments and check-ups to help in the treatment and prevention of problems associated with paediatric podiatry.
To book an appointment for a school visit or to discuss school visits further then please email at or call 0330 088 4222.
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0330 088 4222
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