Dry skin treatment
Dry skin is an area of skin which is lacking in moisture and has dried out making it flaky and in some cases sore.
What is dry skin?
Dry skin is a condition in which the skin around the foot and in particular on the sole of the foot becomes dry and flaky. In less severe cases of dry skin the area can become unsightly and may cause some discomfort, however when the skin becomes extremely dry it is more prone to cracks and fissures which provide a portal of entry for harmful microorganisms which can lead to infection.
What causes dry skin?
Dry skin is commonly found on the foot as the skin in this area does not contain the oil glands that are found throughout the rest of the body making it naturally more dry. If the skin is not moisturized regularly or if an individual is suffering from a medical condition that makes them more susceptible to dry skin, it is likely that the feet will be one area that is most affected.
Some of the most common causes of dry skin include the following;
- Skin conditions such as athlete's foot
- Washing too frequently
- Certain types of medication
- The aging process
- Weather conditions
- Detergents and other chemicals
- Certain medical conditions such as diabetes

What is the treatment for dry skin in podiatry?
Our podiatrists will be able to advise you on the best possible treatment for your dry skin following an initial assessment. They will be able to advise on specific regimes as well as removing any areas of dry skin that have become thick or uncomfortable using a scalpel or a foot file.
If the area has become cracked or is bleeding the podiatrist will properly dress the area to prevent it from becoming infected. Podiatry treatment for dry skin may include:
- Athletes foot treatment
- Cracked heels treatment
- Fungal infection treatment
- Footwear review
- Advice and education
- Emollient therapy
- Modification of shower and bath products
- Specialised wet dressings
- Specialised socks
- Heel sleeves
To consult with one of our podiatrists about your dry skin or to book an appointment please email us on office@chiropody.co.uk or call 0330 088 4222
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