Silipos products are products which are used in podiatry to provide the foot with additional protection and support.
What are silipos products?
Silipos products are used as a form of treatment for a number of common foot disorders. The products which range from digital pads to toe separators contain gel inserts which cushion and protect the different areas of the foot.

What podiatry related conditions can silipos products help with?
Silipos products can be used to prevent a number of podiatry related problems and conditions including;
- Painful corns
- Callus build up
- Protection of bony prominences
- Provides extra protection against the rubbing of thickened nails
- Can provides relief from ingrowing toenails
- Provides relief from discomfort caused by blisters

What are the benefits of silipos products?
Silipos products are used by podiatrists as they have the following benefits;
- They are a safe and effective form of treatment
- They provide relief from painful symptoms
- They provide additional comfort and protection
- They can be used by the large majority of patients
- They can be used everyday
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