Case managers provide our excellent podiatry services on behalf of Case Management companies in Liverpool and Manchester. Specialist rehabilitation / routine services are provided for adults and children for a range of conditions.
Case Managers choose our services as we can provide excellent patient centred care ensuring each client receives the best possible treatment we also:
- Provide for carers/families.
- Provide services at a range of locations, where that be schools home, business, clinic or the gym.
- Provide direct access to other health care professionals in-house, including occupational therapists, physiotherapists, speech and language therapists, orthotists, personal trainers and podiatrists.
- Are flexible with our treatment times and locations with the option for clinic or home based services
- Provide comprehensive written reports detailing the findings of our assessment, the aims of our treatment and any further treatments we recommend
- Provide written quotations for the assessment so that case managers have an adequate period of time to secure any funds
- As a private service treatment can be provided solely by us or alongside an NHS podiatry service
Appointments with our podiatrists are completely flexible with no waiting lists or times.
To discuss our services or to arrange an appointment please email us at or call 0330 088 4222
Save 5% by booking an appointment online.

We work with:
Health professionals
Get in Touch!

0330 088 4222
If you would like to speak to one of our specialists then please complete this form.
We are open 7 days a week