Sports Injury Rehab
Sports injury rehabilitation is a programme of treatment which uses gradual exercise to help athletes return to normal function and activity following injury to the foot and/or ankle.
What is Sports Injury Rehabilitation?
Sports injury rehabilitation in podiatry is the treatment of individuals who have suffered an injury of the foot and lower limb during a sporting activity. A therapeutic plan is developed according to the patient's own requirements and goals and will have various aspects to it. The programme may encompass the following;
- Examination and assessment of the injury
- The prescription of gentle exercises during the initial stages following injury to increase range of motion
- Evaluation of the treatment options
- The use of manual therapy techniques such as massage or mobilisation therapy as pain decreases and movement becomes easier
- Exercise programmes which include stretching and strengthening activities
- Receiving education and advice regarding prevention of re-injury
What podiatry related conditions can Sports Injury Rehabilitationhelp with?
Sports injury rehab programmes can be provided by a podiatrist for anyone who has suffered an injury of the foot, ankle and lower limb and wishes to speed up the recovery process.

How does Sports Injury Rehabilitationwork?
Sports injury rehabilitation works to improve rates of recovery following injury. The rehabilitation process helps to break down the scar tissue which develops within the tissues of the body following injury. These hardened areas of tissue can impair blood flow and the circulation of nutrients and waste products around the affected area. These are broken down using manual therapy techniques, relieving any associated pain and improving the process of healing.
There are three phases of sports rehabilitation from the initial stages through to full strength;
- Early phase - this stage will be comprised of the most basic movements. The patient will often be advised to follow the PRICE protocol to achieve the best outcome. For more information on PRICE please see Biomechanical Advice and education
- Mid phase - a couple of weeks following the injury, rehabilitation will involve active exercise and passive mobilising techniques by the practitioner to help the individual regain full range of movement
- Late phase - this phase will involve full strength exercises for progressive strengthening of the muscles. Balance and proprioceptive exercises may also be carried out as well as sport specific activities to prepare the joint for return to normal activity

What are the benefits of Sports Injury Rehabilitation?
A sports injury rehab programme prescribed by an experienced podiatrist can provide a number of benefits. They include;
- A reduction in pain and inflammation at the affected area
- Preventing injury from recurring at a future date
- Improved knowledge and awareness of the cause and prevention of injury through advice provided by the practitioner
- Improved healing times and faster return to normal activity
- Improved muscle strength and flexibility
- Increase the range of movement at the affected joint
- Eliminate the stress, inconvenience and lengthy recovery times associated with surgical intervention
- Eliminate the possible side effects and contra-indications associated with prescription medicine.
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